Gourd Houses & Feeders
Invite a host of song birds to your yard with a JJ Potts Gourd House or Feeder. Each gourd body is turned on the potters wheel, detailed and topped off with a colorful glazed roof. Made from our weather proof stoneware, each feeder or house will provide year round refuge and feeding for your feathered friends. The feeder style gourd has three feeding ports while the house has one opening. All entrances and feeding ports measure 1 1/8" in diameter, perfect for chickadees, finches and other desired song birds. The over sized sliding roof protects seed and birds from the elements and allows for easy cleaning and filling.
Available in Feeder or House style and 10 colorful roof choices.
7" in diameter
- Frost Proof
- Stainless steel hanging cable (American Made)
- Easy cleaning and filling
- Good ventilation for hot summer days